Tagged: University of Missouri System

The Columbia Missourian – UM System campus representatives to develop new strategy plans

UM System campus representatives to develop new strategy plans

Wednesday, October 24, 2012 | 6:01 p.m. CDT

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this article misstated the companies with which Innosight had consulted.

COLUMBIA — Representatives from the University of Missouri System and its four campuses will meet to develop strategy statements for each campus at group workshops Thursday and Friday in St. Louis.

Innosight, an innovation consulting firm from Boston, will lead the workshops.

Each campus selected faculty and staff to attend the workshops to “refine and define” each campus’ strategy and focus for the next five years, UM System spokeswoman Jennifer Hollingshead said.

Last week, system administrators spoke about the system taking strides to create a new strategic plan. The four campuses will continue their strategy statements at the workshop.

“Our plan is a flexible work-in-progress,” MU Provost Brian Foster said. “One of the most important elements in any strategic plan is to evaluate the environment and include all of the outside partnerships as a plan is developed. For MU, this means working with our elected officials who represent us, our corporate partners and our research sponsors.”

Based on documents provided at the Oct. 16 UM Board of Curators meeting, the workshops are designed to lead to new strategy plans at the campus level, which will be reviewed by Innosight representatives for refining.

The new strategy statements will then go to the curators for review at its meeting on Dec. 6 and 7 at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.

 Supervising editor is Elizabeth Brixey.