Tagged: Hot Baby

The Mearablog – Listen: True 2 Life – “Hot Baby”

I don’t know about you, but it’s been a while since I’ve heard something new a legitimate hip hop group. Just for the record, a bunch of established solo artists deciding to do a couple of songs together doesn’t make them a group.

It was kind of refreshing to hear “Hot Baby”, the latest single from the Brooklynites, True 2 Life Music. The track includes a sample from “Sitting In The Park” by Billy Stewart.

True 2 Life Music consists of Brooklynites K-Words, Concise, and Slangston Hughes. Each of these emcees held their own on “Hot Baby” and no one stole attention away from the rest of the group. That’s one of the aspects of being a hip hop group that a lot of people seem to forget about.

–Keith Reid-Cleveland