The Mearablog – Listen: SDotBraddy – “City Drive” and “Can’t Love Em, Can’t Trust Em”

     SDotBraddy lets his music speak for itself, which is understandable when you take a chance to listen. The Miami, FL emcee takes a real in depth look at his life and uses his experiences to create a vivid picture over jazz-inspired beats.

SDotBraddy’s lyrics in “City Drive” give a short summary of his life so far. He speaks about when he caught his father cheating, how he was a misunderstood teenager with an interest in skateboarding, and observing his friend’s relationships.

“Can’t Love Em, Can’t Trust Em” goes right along with that “we don’t love these….” stages that people can often fall into. If you’re going through one, or ever have, this track should be real relatable.

– Keith Reid-Cleveland

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